13-What is the longest and smallest view distance for an LED display?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
The largest and smallest viewing distances of the LED screen vary depending on a pair of basic parameters: pixel pitch and screen dimensions. The greatest distance is calculated by converting the pixel pitch to meters. For example, a screen with a pixel pitch of 10 mm (P10) has an optimal viewing distance of 10 meters, a P20 screen of 20 meters, etc. The greatest distance depends on the size of the screen, and it can also be calculated by multiplying by 10 and converting the screen area to meters. For example, a screen with dimensions of 4x3 m and, accordingly, an area of ​​12 m2 is optimally viewed from a maximum of 120 meters. Speaking of the maximum distance, it is necessary to clarify that there are two concepts: "readability" and "visibility". "Readability" is determined by the distance within which you can read the text broadcast on the screen. “Visibility” defines the distance within which an image can be distinguished, even if not quite clearly. The visibility distance, as a rule, is twice the readability distance (for example, if the readability is 120 meters, then visibility will be 240 meters). As for written texts, readability of course also depends on the size of the fonts. As a rule, each centimeter of the font can be read from a 5-meter distance. For example, a font 10 cm high can be read from 50 meters.